ANTFOX Gallery - About the Artist
Provides some background information to about the artist, Ant Fox.
About the Artist:
I was born in the Midlands in 1969. With poor eyesight as a child, I developed a knack for taking mental fuzzy snapshots of the world to help me navigate my surroundings. These mental images were then frequently scribbled onto paper, in an attempt to clarify the blurred scenes around me. Encouraged by such comments as "come on Ant, stop squinting and draw a picture for your Auntie Margaret", techniques were nurtured at the same time as keeping me out of trouble (mostly).
Later studying fine art and sculpture at art school, I became a little despondent at my peers, who were busy nailing tampons to trees as a "symbolic embodiment of the rise of China as an economic power. Exploiting the arrogant attitudes expressed by western Europe in the late 20th century", or some similar such nonsense.
I just wanted to paint pretty pictures.
A need for food and rent, and an interest in computers led the disgruntled twenty-year-old me into a career in digital arts. Graphic design leading from print to the then emerging world of web design. Eventually, less hungry and with a "proper" job paying the bills, I combined a skill set of digital mediums with the addiction to express the aesthetic visions in my head and now produce art from my seafront gallery in Brighton.
Feel free to contact me on about my work.
Your artist, Ant
Photograph by Ruhan Van Vuuren Photography
Working continuing during lockdown April 2020.